new art at old cromwell

I spent a wonderful Sunday painting outside in Old Cromwell with a group of great people and guided by local artist Nigel Wilson ( After a pretty overcast and chilly start, the clouds cleared and we were treated to a perfect autumn day.

Nigel pretty much let everyone do their own thing and he popped around occasionally to give individual advice. So everyone's paintings were unique. Very inspiring.

Some pics...

New art in old Cromwell workshop 2015

Oil painting

And one of my paintings from the day...

It was quite a lot brighter at one stage and then Nigel suggested I tone down at least some of it to create some "quiet areas". He also suggested I mix some black with some of my colours. I was horrified - I avoid black like the plague. But he was right and I learnt something new... the whole point of the day.

Thanks Creative New Zealand for sponsoring the event.


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