a thing with feathers

It's rare for me to come home from a walk without some little fossicked treasure. I'm a bit of a magpie that way. I collect beach stones, shells, leaves, driftwood and, of course, feathers. Feathers are awesome because they can sit in vase, be used to draw with (I dip them in paint or ink) and go in my hair :-)

And, naturally, if you have a lot of feathers around, you're bound to paint them. Over the years I've done many feather drawings and paintings of all sizes and with all types of media - pen and ink, watercolours and various mixed media. Here are a few that I've done on canvas.

This large one was a Christmas present for my flying-obsessed husband.

Acrylic and ink painting by Renee Walden

This one was done in January 2014.

I've loved the painting above since I finished it, and I've had attempts over the last year to make another without success. Then this weekend, I did the one below. Yes, I'm happy with this one.

Modern abstract by Renee Walden

I'm really pleased with the big cheerful feather in the one above. The bright colour scheme is so uplifting and all the pattern showing through is such fun, so wanted to repeat those ideas, but with a similar composition to the one done in January 2014.

So here is the one I completed today. I'm pretty in love with this one. It makes me feel all happy inside :-)

Cheerful, happy, abstract painting by Scatterlings.

All 3 of the square paintings are available.

Mixed media on artist canvas.
Approximately 30 x 30 cm (4cm depth)

NZ$260 each + shipping


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