summer meadow


A meadow of St John's Wort near my home

Right now seems to be yellow season around our place - with buttercups, cowslips, monk's cushion gorse and trefoils in abundance. I've had my eye on this field of St John's Wort for a few days now, and the other day I couldn't resist - I headed out really early, before the heat set in, and spent a wonderful morning with the birds and the bees.

This summer I've been playing with capturing meadows of flowers in a free and almost abstract way. The idea being to paint the feeling of the meadows, not an exact replica of the flowers themselves. It's more of a focus on the chaos, colour and movement of flowers in the breeze and the insects buzzing around.

So I invite you along to splash some paint on paper with me and enjoy the freedom of this process.

Happy painting!

Always better when painted outside :-)

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