autumn sneaks up on us

Glendhu Bay from Rocky Hill, Lake Wanaka

It seems like we've just had the best summer anyone can remember in years and years! Hot, sunny and the best thing for me - almost no wind :-)

And now the beautiful weather continues and the trees are changing colour and it's hard to believe that autumn is settling in. It's still warm enough to swim in the lake most days, but the days are getting shorter and there's a definite nip in the air in the mornings. Plein air outings are now being planned a tad later in the day.

I'm definitely a spring person. Autumn can bring an anxiousness about winter approaching. But with the beautiful colours I always forgive it for the message it's carrying. Besides, you know I can't complain, because autumn means thinking about our exodus to the northern hemisphere really, really soon, where spring awaits!

It's rosehip season. Looking up Stevenson's Arm, Lake Wanaka

Autumn poplars along the Clutha River, Albert Town

The one lane bridge, Albert Town

Autumn, Penrith Beach, Lake Wanaka


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