in my studio

For some strange reason my studio is super tidy at the moment, so it's safe to share a few photos of my workspace...

I recently got a lot of my artwork out of the various cupboards it was stored in and hung it all on one wall. I think I'm going to go crazy keeping everything straight!

The painting end of the room. I have a lovely view and beautiful light for painting. When I'm painting, this part of the room gets a little crazy. Perhaps I'll share a photo of what that looks like soon.

My sorting/drying/display table with filing cabinets underneath to store small works on paper.

Acrylic paints, mediums and acrylic inks.

Some of my brushes. Some girls collect shoes, I collect brushes :-)
Top left are watercolour brushes. Most of these were my Grandfathers.
Rest of the brushes are for painting acrylics.
And my drawing/painting board is an ever-evolving work of art of it's own.

I also have a desk with computer, scanner, printer etc, but that photo was just too boring to share :-)

All of the artwork in the top photo, as well as other larger works and works on paper are for sale. You can view them here ...

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