gumnuts & gum leaves

I've started a new sketchbook I'm calling 'In My Backyard'.  I aim to fill it with abstract, mixed media paintings and drawings inspired by the nature that surrounds my home here in New Zealand.

My flatmate collected this awesome sprig of gumnuts. She has it hanging on her bedroom wall. I covet it. I do. But I can't have it, so I'll just have to paint it.

Joined here by some gumnuts (I just love that word!) and gum leaves from the 3 different gum trees we have in our garden, the first page from my new sketchbook ...

gumnuts & gum leaves - mixed media painting

And I've made my first art video! In it you can watch me painting this mixed media piece.

painting "gumnuts & gum leaves"

You can purchase prints of this painting here -

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