my peachy rose

I only have one rosebush in my garden and it is an unusual peach colour. When we bought our house 10 years ago the very large garden was pretty much empty. It had 2 native bushes, a couple of ornamental grasses, lots and lots of lawn ... and this rose bush.

Since then we've planted a mostly native garden. Something that reflects our local landscape and is natural and, to be honest, a little wild. And this rose bush is still there. Every winter I vow I'm going to get rid of it and I chop it right to the ground. And every summer it grows like crazy and is covered in these wonderful smelling, unusual coloured, huge blooms. So I bow to it's stubborness and enjoy it. I pick the flowers and bring them inside. I even carefully remove the dead blooms to keep it flowering. I water it. I admire it. I'm so inconsistent!

So, my tribute to my stubborn peachy rose today. Page two of my 'In my backyard' sketchbook.

my peachy rose - mixed media painting

process photos of "my peachy rose"


Ready to add the rose

Adding colour to the rose

Finished painting

You can purchase prints of this painting here -


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