sant joan del codolar, catalunya, spain


Sant Joan del Codolar, Catalunya. Pen and watercolour.

The sanctuary of Sant Joan del Codelar is nestled in some huge, old cypresses, and at the foot of the Montsant Range, just inland from Tarragona in Spain. It's one of our favourite places for the absolute tranquility, unspoilt nature and the cliffs for rock climbing.

I've sketched the chapel buildings many times over the years and from all different angles and in different lights. It's allowed me to become so familiar with the place and given me a wonderful opening for meeting and chatting with guardian of the buildings.

And yet, there's always a surprise of a new view. One evening recently we scrambled up one of the boulders to view the ermita from above. What a wonderful surprise to be seeing it from such an unusual angle and to view some of the tops of the cypresses too. So I was back first thing the next morning to perch in the same spot, with paper and paints in my bag.

I hope you enjoy following along.


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