a visit to cape foulwind


Cape Foulwind Lighthouse - painting in pen and watercolour

A road trip back up to the top of the South Island took us to a visit to a friend's place on Cape Foulwind. Here is a part of the South Island we hadn't really properly explored that much before and it was beautiful. Wild and harsh, but beautiful. All the gorgeous greens and the crashing sea are such a contrast to home - with our big snowy moutains and brown, dry tussock hills. 

I didn't do any sketching while at Cape Foulwind. It's a rather anti-social activity and this was meant to be a good catch-up with our friend. But I took lots of photos and worked on a spread in my sketchbook over a couple of rainy days.

A few little memories captured together on one page in my A4 sketchbook.

Our friend's little cabin nestled cosily in the bush. Everything so green!

Cape Foulwind - beaches, seacliffs and lots of islands.

These sketches all done in The Perfect Sketchbook, A4 size, from EtchrLab.


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