a month in golden bay

Sunset from the lovely home we were 'house sitting'

So we were meant to have a little escape from our frosty home down south. A couple of weeks at the top of the South Island, to warm our souls. Turns out it was hard to tear ourselves away after a month.

Here are some of the sketches from our trip. A number of these I'm hoping to turn into larger finished works over the next little while. I took heaps of photos too, so I'm looking forward to doing some video tutorials and online Zoom lessons in the next month too.

The house we were staying has a wonderful garden. These Tree Aloes a definite highlight.


Super cold and frosty at home and here the banana plants had fruit!

The last bach left standing in the estuary at Ligar Bay. A bit of history still standing.

Moody, rainy day at Milnethorpe Quay.

Tide coming in at Patons Rock.

Definite sketching highlight.

Last sketch of the bay for a while. View from the Abel Tasman memorial towards Tata Islands.


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