painting birds in watercolour and collage : class photos

Piwakawaka / New Zealand Fantails : student paintings

Fantastic Saturday with 8 lovely students learning to paint birds in watercolour, ink and collage. In the morning we all painted my favourite bird, the Piwakawaka. In the afternoon students chose their own bird and ventured bravely out on their own.

The finished paintings were absolutely beautiful. And the day was so much fun! Thank you wonderful people for a truly great day.

Next class will be in January 2020 ... painting flowers in ink and watercolour. Follow me on Facebook and Instagram to be notified of details.

Adding watercolour to a pencil drawing

Adding watercolour to a pencil drawing 

Adding details with ink and collage

Adding details with a tiny brush

Having fun with lovely colours and soaring wings

Adding collage elements

Adding collage to a Quail's wing

Cutting out collage elements


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