the hills are alive...

Painting in Mount Aspiring National Park, New Zealand

The hills are alive with the sound of a pen scratching on paper! Here are some photos from December of hiking and sketching trips into Mount Aspiring National Park which is just around the corner from my home.

Cascade Saddle and Mount Edward, Mount Aspiring National Park.

Mount Avalanche and the waterfalls at the head of Glacierburn.

Mount Earnslaw, Mount Aspiring National Park.

The swimming hole, Earnslaw Burn. Brrrrr!

Camping below Mount Earnslaw on Christmas Day. 

Mount Rob Roy and the Rob Roy Glacier, Mount Aspiring National Park. In progress.

Mount Rob Roy and the Rob Roy Glacier. Finished painting.

I'm very excited about these new paintings. All I want to do is paint mountains now and I hope to have a whole series of pieces ready to exhibit at the end of January in a group exhibition with the Wanaka Painters' Group. More details on that soon!

Happy New Year everyone!


  1. I've just discovered your paintings via World Watercolor Group on Facebook. I love the way you render landscapes with pen line drawings and watercolor. Fantastic!


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