summer sketchbook

I've recently finished my little sketchbook and my bigger one is almost done too!

This one starts back in November 2017 and goes until just a few days ago. The first sketches show lots of fresh spring snow. Now we've got the full glory of autumn colours and lots of autumn snow. In between was a hot, hot, dry summer and clear cloudless skies.

It's interesting to me how the light changes as the season progresses. Especially the sky colours. Or am I the only one who can see that?

You can see my sketchbook has been hiking with me a lot and I've done more landscape sketches this summer than ever before. This particular sketchbook is a bit heavy for taking hiking and I used to carry a much smaller one, but I like painting just that little bit bigger, so I'm prepared to tough out the extra weight. Probably does me good, anyway :-)

You may remember from some of my recent blog posts that I've been revisiting some of these sketches and turning them into 'real' paintings. You can find my landscape watercolours for sale here.

If you are interested in the sketching kit I take hiking with me, it hasn't changed much since last year. You can find out exactly what I carry in this previous blog post. This particular book is a Fabriano watercolor sketchbook.



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