portrait of helen

I feel completely blessed and honoured to have been asked to paint my beautiful friend at such a precious moment in her life. And while I was painting this, she had her perfect little boy, so it was also quite special to still have her pregnant in my studio :-)

Helen told me she loved rata trees, and yellow and aquamarine and that her daughter loved butterflies. So, of course, I included all of those.

"Portrait of Helen"
Mixed media on exhibition canvas
Acrylics, collage, acrylic inks and vintage image transfers
61x91cm (life size)


Portrait of Helen

Portrait of Helen

Giving something back...
The portrait of Helen is part of my Gaia or Mother Earth goddess series. I plan to donate 10% of the profits from each painting to an environmental cause.
For this painting I chose to help Greenpeace get their new crowdfunded boat onto the water to follow "The Beast", a ship owned by Statoil, in their attempt to stop seismic blasting in the sea around New Zealand. You can find out more about Greenpeace's campaign to put a stop to new oil in New Zealand and make a donation on their website.

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