
No More Excuses - Lamy Pen & De Artramentis Document Ink

If you follow me on Instagram (and you should), you'll know that for the last 10 days I've joined the 100 Day Project and am aiming to improve my hand lettering by doing a little project each day for 100 days.

We leave for Europe in just a few days and I'll be doing a lot of Urban Sketching again. Can't wait! And an important part of my sketches is the stories and writing that go with them. I'm hoping my lettering project helps me finish off each sketch in a special way.

Yes, calligraphy is not new to me. Back in my university days I did a number of wedding invitations and place names for events. But I am super rusty. And I'm experimenting with lots of new tools.

Here's some of my lettering from the last 10 days. Find the others on Instagram.

Autumn - brush lettering in watercolour

Somewhere Over The Rainbow - old fashioned dip pen with Hunt 108 nib and Indian ink

Dandelion - dip pen and white acrylic ink

Be Yourself Only Weirder - inspiration from the Zenga Bros Tall Bike Tour. Dip pen.

Mushroom - dip pen with acrylic inks

Find me on Instagram as @art.scatterlings and you can follow my lettering project with #100daysofscatterlingslettering

I'll be posting arty stuff from Europe there too. So don't miss out :-)


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