we painted pretty old barns & ruins


Old barn and old windows - my demo paintings from my recent online course

What a wonderful 3 weeks painting my favourite subject and sharing it with 16 hardworking folks from around the globe.

Week one we covered storytelling in our paintings and then we painted the mid-distance view of this beautiful old barn in a field of white and yellow flowers. That's my demo painting above, and here's some of my students paintings below. Amazing hey?!

Old barns - student paintings

Old barns - student paintings

Week two we covered how to paint interesting shadows and then the techniques for paintings bricks and stonework, painting the two little windows you see in the top photograph.

Then week three was compositional theory! Well, a tiny introduction to that. Ending with this glorious sunset scene...

Old ruined house with beautiful sunset. Watercolour demo painting by Renee Walden.

Ruined - student paintings

Look at those wonderful student paintings! A whole lot of wonderful colours from all parts of the watercolour palette and not a single indication of mud at all :-)

What's next?
Right now I'm packing to head to Spain and then onto France. I'll continue to teach online from some wonderful locations and I hope you can join me. As usual you will find out first if you join my mailing list. Then at the end of June I'll be guiding a 10-day plein air painting retreat in the south of France. Only 3 spots left for that - more details here.

Next post from Spain!


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