a day in the maniototo

Fishermen's Huts at Falls Dam, 58x38cm

Back in March I was invited by Catlins artist Lynley van Alphen to join her on a day's plein air painting in Central Otago. The day was showery and squally, but it didn't put us off and we both completed 3 paintings on the day, Lynley working in oils and me working in pen and watercolours in my sketchbook.

The scenery was incredible and moody and we both shot lots and lots of photos. Over the last month I've been painting largish finished works inspired by that day. The intention was for these paintings to be available at an upcoming group exhibition this past Easter. Since that exhibition had to be cancelled due to Covid-19, I decided today to add these paintings for sale on my website.

This series is by no means finished. I still have more paintings I want to do of this area, and I'm hoping to visit here again in winter to see this stark place in a winter blanket.

Until then, if you are interested in any of the paintings shown here, they are listed as for sale on my website.

Green Roofed Hut, Falls Dam, 38x28cm

Squall Approaching, 38x28cm

Rain Clearing at Homestead Camp, 38x28cm

Rain Over the Hawkduns, 38x28cm


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