big vistas

Looking towards Treble Cone and Black Peak from the Hawea River Track

Of course us lucky folk who live near the Southern Alps in New Zealand have the most wonderful big vistas at almost every turn of the road, or, for many, from the lounge window. Since the beginning of the year I've been adding many of these to my sketchbook. Here are a few for you to enjoy!

Glendhu Bay Campground and the Motutapu Valley

View from Sticky Forest over Lake Wanaka and towards Black Peak, Fog Peak and Niger Peak

Secret Beach, West Coast

Lake Hayes looking towards Cecil Peak

At the Wanaka Lavender Farm looking towards Crifflel Peak and Mt Barker

Do you have a big vista you would like captured in watercolour? Please get in touch, I'm open for commissions at the moment :-)


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