little french villages

Archiane, south Vercors mountains, France

Two months in France have just flown by and I have finished my first large sketchbook - the Fabriano one shown above. I've also added scores of little landscapes sketches to my little pocket Moleskine I take hiking with me.

We didn't travel around all that much this time, just staying in a few of our favourite places and catching up with as many friends as we could.

Here are a selection of completed sketches from some of the little villages we visited.

Treminis, Devoluy mountains, France

The super, super old 'La Mere Eglise', Devoluy, France.

Getting caught up in the details. Old door, Le Seuil.

Little postcard, Fouillouse, France.

L'Abbaye du Laverq, Barcelonnette, France

The window on Chapelle Saint-Antoine, near Saint Paul sur Ubaye, France

Postcard love!

This summer, as we travel around Europe, I am sending original watercolour postcards to people all over the world. You can see one I sent from Fouillouse a couple of pictures above.
To enter to receive a postcard you should follow me on Instagram or Facebook.

Au revoir! Until next time which will probably be from Spain. 

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