life's too short to suntan

Asturias, Spain

If you had said to us a month ago that we were beach people we would have scoffed. "You mean, like, lying in the sun, reading a book, on your tiny patch of sand, with a hundred other people. No way!"

Big swell at Playa Amio,  Cantabria, Spain

Then we discovered some of the incredible beaches in Asturias and Cantabria, Spain, and we found we are, in fact, beach people. Especially because there weren't many other people ;-)

Just a few things to pack for the day :-)

We found that, for us, being at the beach is about acting like a couple of hyper-active 8 year olds. There's so much to do!

Like catching the first wave of the day at dawn. Then catching more after breakfast, then again mid morning, then again and again for 'just one more!'

Yes it was hard core at just 13 degrees. And no we don't have wetsuits. It was worth it!

Then there's yoga for me and building extreme stone sculptures for David

Yoga on the beach for me, and stone sculpture building for David.

And drawing big patterns in the sand.

David making sand art

Sketching beach, after beach, after beach.

Asturias, Spain

Same rock, different tide - endless fascination.

Playa Fuente, Cantabria, Spain

Next year we're talking of getting a surf board too!

Hours of frisbee throwing and hours of slacklining.

Slacklining on the beach.

And finding awesome spots to sleep and wake up

Van life :-)

Exploring rock pools

Little black crab. So cute!

Rockpool treasures.

And going snorkelling.

Going snorkelling on the island off Playa Amio, Pechon, Spain

We even sometimes dragged ourselves just a little bit away to go climbing. But not too far!

Multipitch climbing above the sea, Spain

Climb, swim, climb, swim :-)

Yes, there were 'grown ups' on the beach and people 'acting their age'. Some of them probably thought we should just chill out, but we thought they should do something crazy!

No need for persuasion :-)

Oh, and we got plenty tanned too ;-)

Now, 500km inland and a tiny fraction closer to home, this feels so yesterday! But it's not adios to Asturias, it's hasta luego for sure.


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