out and about - urban sketching in arrowtown

Yesterday I spent the day sketching in beautiful Arrowtown. This historical gold mining village is filled with many restored buildings and miner's cottages. With a population around 2000 now, back in the 1860's at the high point of the gold rush, this town had a population of around 7000 and was the centre of the larger municipality.

Now it's really mostly a tourist haunt. At least for those tourists who venture a little out of the mecca of nearby Queenstown. It may be a bit touristy, but I still love it and visit often. It's very quaint, beautifully restored and has lots of quiet nooks. For a sketcher who loves architecture and old buildings (me!) it's one of the few places around my home where I can get my 'fix' - New Zealand not having the very long history Europe has.

Because I'm way out of practise with my urban sketching, I was slower than normal and only managed to finish 2 sketches. But I'm not going to let it be too long before I go back.

Arrowtown, New Zealand
The Wool Press

Arrowtown, New Zealand, urban sketch by Renee Walden

Arrowtown, New Zealand
Old Miner's Cottage

Old Miner's Cottage, urban sketch by Renee Walden

Old Miner's Cottage, Arrowtown, New Zealand - urban sketch by Renee Walden


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